Writing articles is a great way to increase your reputation and awareness of your talents and capabilities.
First, always have at least one blog. Your blog will be the test bed for your articles prior to widespread publication and it helps hone your writing skills.
Next, there are several "free" article submission sites which are clambering for content. These sites, like EzineArticles, EzinePlug, and Ezinehub allow you to open a free account and upload your articles for others to read and reprint.
Regarding reprinting, you will be asked to sign off on others reprinting your articles on their websites and blogs. Realize that this will result in a viral transmission of your name and reputation.
Make sure your articles include your name and a URL of your personal website or blog.
(Make sure you create that website or blog first! As always, see my Marketing Me ToDo List for more information and how to get started).
Many professionals report astonishing results from their article submissions. Job and consulting opportunities, speaking engagements, and requests for additional articles.
Writing and submitting articles can grow your personal brand and reputation as long as you submit them to Internet-based e-article websites such as the ones listed above.
1 comment:
great post Jack - this is a great way to substantiate your personal brand over a long period of time. The key is to write multiple articles and not be a one-time wonder.
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